The blog is moving
The site I have used in the past has made a ton of changes so I am going to change sites. Stand by: it will have a new name and all.

The Virtuous Man: An Abstract Notion?
It has been a while since I have written, and a lot has happened since January ’18. I enlisted in the Air National Guard and was in...

To all young men: why you need to go to college. (And how to choose the right one)
It is a known fact that college is rapidly becoming the educational standard. The jobs that once appealed to high school graduates as...

The Sacrifice of Christmas
Christmas is a story of courage. This is going to be my first Christmas away from home, my parents, and all my brothers and sisters. And...

The Theology of Martyrdom by Ronald Knox
The feast of North American martyrs was yesterday. These saints are very dear to me, and I thought it would be appropriate to share an...

“Death be not Proud”: The correlation between sin and death as depicted in Crime and Punishment.
In his discussion on Extreme Unction, Thomas Aquinas states that sin can be often manifested through the body as well as the soul. This...

What St. Peter is able to teach the married man (or how the first Pope panicked).
There are three particular traits that characterize a good, young, Catholic, married man. First, he has a deep love for his spouse and...

Walter Mitty and the return to the Real.
I have often heard people say: “The best adventures I ever had were also my most miserable experiences.” While I admit that some of my...

Chapter 1: To an athlete beginning old.
I realized that anything I could write about, another has already written it, in a far superior manner to my capabilities. As a result, I...